"A Good Word Is As A Good Tree Whose Root Is Firm And Its Branches Are In Heaven" [Holy Quran, Surah Ibrahim]
The Eden Foundation is a registered charity established by the local Muslim community of Huddersfield.
We serve to inspire, upskill & motivate humanity by educating and delivering social services/khidmat rooted in the Islamic faith:
‘From taking, to giving back to the world.’
Your donations are an essential part in delivering our Vision.
The charity is the body which is responsible for looking after all our sites.
Funds are allocated & prioritised by TEF according to where they are needed most.
Your donations will contribute towards essential community welfare.
The Cost-of-Living Crisis has affected every segment of our community.
As a community we have a sacred duty to look after our neighbours and those in need.
A family pack costs £15 each.
Your donation will help feed a family for a week.
TEF Lindley Renovation Phase 1
“Breaking Barriers, Uniting Hearts: Lindleys Path to Brotherhood”.
Remove Upper Walls: Open Plan
Roof Steelwork
Roof Felting & Repair
We have set a target of £70k to complete works.
*We reserve the right to redirect funds towards a more suitable site
if it comes along at any point.
Highfields Renovation Phase 1
Help Us Deliver:
New Sisters Entrance
New Maktab Classrooms
New Mortuary Facility
Flexible Open Space with Kitchen & Storage for Community Services (Scouts/North Star/Masjid Functions/Al-Ihsan Classes)
We aim to deliver a new school, nursery, masjid facilities, mortuary facility, and open plan spaces for all our community activities.
Sadaqatul Fitr (Fitrana)
Donate Your Fitrana Online Before 7th April 2024 for recipients to receive it on or before Eid ul Fitr.
Wheat £3.50
Barley £7.50
Raisins £9.50
Dates £21
Make Donation
Please use the guide above to understand where your donation will be used.
Gift Aid
Yes, I would like The Eden Foundation to claim Gift Aid on my donation
I wish to continue with the donation
TEF Charity Fund: 'One Ummah, One Body''
The charity is the body responsible for looking after all our sites.
Funds are allocated & prioritised by TEF according to where they are needed most.
Your donations will contribute towards:
The Maktab - Masjid Operation
Essential Community Welfare
Qarz repayments
Site Maintenance
Make us a vehicle to fulfil the Prophetic vision:
“When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity); a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him (for the deceased).
We aim to get your Zakaat to the recipient in Ramadhan where possible.
Zakaat Will Go Towards:
Ramadhan Food Aid
Orphans Eid Gift
Hygiene Packs
Food Distributions
Charcoal Distributions
Widow Support And Sponsor Education Of Children
Adult Vocational Training
Orphan Support
Food Packs
Sadaqatul Fitr (Fitrana)
Sadaqatul Fitr is an obligation for every Muslim, male or female, who owns 612.35 grams of silver or its
equivalent. It should also be given on behalf of dependant children. It is Sunnah to give this
before performing Eid Salaah and should only be given to those entitled to receive Zakaah. A specific portion of
wheat, barley, dates, or raisins or its monetary equivalent must be given.
Sadaqatul Fitr per head:
Wheat - £2
Barley - £4.50
Raisins - £12.50
Dates - £17.00
TEF Welfare: Foodbank
The Cost-of-Living Crisis has affected every segment of our community.
As a community we have a sacred duty to look after our neighbours and those in need.
A family pack costs £15 each.
Your donation will help feed a family for a week.
TEF Eden Centre Lindley Renovation
In 2017, our first* stepping stone in Lindley was laid. A hub for the Muslim community living in the ward.
We have now been granted planning approval in 2021 for modifications to the roof, demolition of the rear extension & provision for safe access. We aim to
to renovate from within and carry out essential maintenance work to the boundary wall.
Our vision is to deliver a flexible multi-purpose building, suitable for all user groups.
The work will be undertaken in phases, to deliver the least amount of disruption.
We are creating an itinerary with associated costs the community can contribute and pledge towards.
Join us in the journey by donating here.
*Please note that the building was purchased with Qarz/Loans. The site will be officially designated with a function once the final amount is paid off. We have
witnessed that the community has outgrown the building within three years. The charity requests donors for this cause are open to TEF utilising funds generated
being liquidated and used towards procuring a larger sitein the Lindley Ward Area.
Highfields Car Park
The Highfields car park is leased from the council.
The KMC have agreed to sell the land for total cost of £135k.
The car park purchase will secure the future parking needs for the Maktab, Masjid, Community functions, Food Bank & Scouts initiatives running from the site.
Crosland Moor Car Park
The Crosland Moor Site was purchased in 2013 and renovation completed in 2015 with a cost of approximately £750k.
It is a multi-use building offering nursery, tuition, Maktab, adult education classes, meeting rooms and other community functions.
We are excited to announce that we have purchased the land adjacent to the building and it has been granted planning approval to allow the centre to
expand the available safe parking, act as an enclosed play area for the children, enhance the appeal and ambience of the local area with sculpted boundaries.
TEF Welfare – Foodbank
The Eden Foundation was established to serve the Muslim community of Huddersfield and to educate them in their Deen.
Our aim is to use education to make transformative changes to people’s lives. Thus forming a chain of khair
that allows for other services and projects to be delivered.
To meet the needs of the community and our own families we need to use all the resources that Allah (swt) has
gifted us with. Our surplus wealth is a means to bring about effective and lasting change.
We need your support to fulfil our vision. We need to continue to repay the qarz across our sites. We need your
support for capital projects; The Highfields site requires a new boiler, central heating system and windows.
Crosland Moor needs land development for car parking. The Lindley site needs a complete renovation.
We rely on the generous contribution of the community in Ramadhan to build for a better future. Make us a vehicle
to fulfil the Prophetic vision.
The Prophet (saw) said: “When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah
(ceaseless charity); a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him (for the deceased).”
This is the compensation for missing Ramadhan fasts due to one being terminally ill or has passed away (in which case it is given out of a third of their inheritance).
The compensation for each missed fast is to give a Fidyah (which is the same amount given for Sadaqah al-Fitr) to the poor.
This is a major compensation. If a person breaks a fast intentionally or breaks an oath, Kaffarah would then be binding as the form of redemption.
If a Ramadhan fast is broken intentionally, one would need to fast for sixty consecutive days – which is the Kaffarah – and then observe one qadha fast.
If more than one fast is broken intentionally, one will be required to compensate with one Kaffarah – by fasting sixty consecutive days – and a qadha fast for each extra fast broken.
If one cannot do these fasts due to poor health or old age then one must feed sixty poor persons.
For redemption of a broken oath, a person may feed ten poor persons.
We suggest that the amount to feed one person be set at £3.30 and given to the most needy as determined by our charity partners. This amount should be multiplied according to the number persons to be fed.
Ramadhan Iftar for Needy
100% Donation Policy "Feed one poor person for £1". Covid restrictions might mean we are unable to host iftaar dinners or donate Iftar to our local masjid. So this year, why not feed a poor family for a day or for a month.
Don't miss out on the reward for providing Iftar.
“Whoever gives Iftar to one who is fasting will have a reward like his, without that detracting from the fasting person’s reward in the slightest.”
(Hadith, Tirmidhi).
TEF General Charity: Direct Debit
The Eden Foundation exists to serve the needs of You, the Muslim community. You are our greatest asset. Our journey is your journey.
For us to continue to deliver projects and services, for it to impact the community we live in, we require your ongoing support.
Set up a monthly giving plan which shows your effort and contribution to; maintenance & repair, utility bills, insurance, Imam and staff salaries across all sites.
Giving during these difficult times shows strong Imaan & gratitude to Allah (swt)
“Indeed, the men who practice charity and the women who practice charity and [they who] have loaned Allah a goodly loan - it will be multiplied for them, and they will have a noble reward.”(Q: Al Hadeed 57:18)
Make an intention. Make it regular. Make it count.